Saturday, April 17, 2010


The universal teasing game has its own pro and cons....It is the best way to irritate some and the best way to make some people secretly happy...Opposites attract...People whom you dislike at the first shot may sometimes become closer to you than your closest ones!!!
Teasing should never be to disparage someone! Rather it should be a mellow to the occult desires of others; but you may not realize it till the end!
At my college teasing is a common habit(atleast among girls); we start linking off some XYZ with our friends and start teasing them!!!A small cute smile from a guy is enough to start of this business!A small little party-day confession of a crush may cause a bigger teasing era to start ;)!I admit teasing game is a long played one; right from our school days but in college we see the game transform into reality right in front of our eyes!Whoa!
Lemme tell u wat happened!Last year, we started teasing our classmate with a guy she hardly knows just because she borrowed his drafter (I admit we were totally bored and jobless)!!!!She shouted at us the first time!She whined a bit the second time!She seemed irritated a wee bit the third time..We gave her a dare to go speak to that guy for 2 minutes during a free hour...She refused at first,later after much persuasion and teasing she went ahead and spoke to him...Boom...Just a month later they were sitting(a bit too close for comfort) hand in hand under a tree on a stone bench :P !!!Cupid had stuck !! But were we the cupid????
We never knew how phone numbers got exchanged or how they spoke and started liking each other; but what we knew for sure is that we started the process!

One wiser tip for the guys out there, girls usually like to tease the guys they like with someone else just to make sure no one knows!!!

Daily dose

One day you blink and its all gone...that's what Babaji said...I don't believe in every man's philosophy (especially a god man's; after reading Nityananda story I laughed out aloud; more people will join my league now)...
Look at the current trends and where do people who advice stand ????They are boring and snoring in their own ways ...but then a spark clicked.wats an advice? Isn't it just as unbinding as a suggestion?Friends suggest, so do parents...Does it make a difference if its called 'ADVICE' or 'SUGGESTION' ?????

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Secret admirer!!!!

Everyone has someone deep inside the woods waiting for him/her!!!....
That person out there waits all day long looking out for you!No rain or snow can dissuade that person....The woods sing your praises ;coz he tells them to....
Hes your biggest admirer...He admires your look...He admires that cute smile you give to the mirror when you comb your hair !!!He admires that longing desire for fun within you...He admires your free spirit!!!He admires that sly look you give to your friends when your girlfriend/boyfriend pats on your head!He admires your strengths,your weaknesses and every single ounce of your attitude!He loves it all coz he loves you as your friend, your philosopher and your companion for life!He wants you to jump up high and grab the sky, to lift your spirits and gather your wits!
He loves your comedy, so you should crack jokes sometimes...He likes your thrill,so be adventurous...Discover him...Hes deep inside the woods of your heart...That little cute bastard.........

One more thgt!!!

I thought of a beautiful metaphor ....
Life is like a big jigsaw puzzle...Its full of unanswered questions!
But when we mix it all together at the end of this life the beautiful pieces fall at their place to form a portrait which is ever relished!!!!